Participation European Interreg Night Light program
Last week, we participated again at the Interreg Night Light program (link here), sharing experiences 
in the fight against light pollution and the development of Astroturism with the European partners 
of the program. This is our third participation on the program and this time, it was aSeminar Policy 
Learning meeting that was held in the Italian region of Matera Basilicata.

We thank the Cabildo de La Palma for asking our colleague Ana García working for and 
AstroLaPalma SL, and a member of the Astroturism, Astrophysics and Astropreneurship Board, to participate 
on the meetings as an expert. This work is an opportunity to learn, to share experiences and to develop common 
interests, creating links between territories that are already developing astrotourism activities.

Photo: Group photo participants Interreg program nightlight in Matera Italy.