Astro Events and workshops
We organise special astro events nearly always related to astronomical ephemeris. The events can be photography or astronomy courses, eclipse observations, meteor showers and even private activities or celebrations (VIP). Conditions such as transportation, schedule or meeting point may vary depending on the astronomical special event in particular and conditions will be specified in each one of them.
Next astro event to be announced: Using amateur telescopes Workshop (VII edition).
Language: Spanish
Only for residents in La Palma
Fechas previstas: 30-31 de Octubre 2024 (8 horas)
Inscripciones: se abrirán a finales de Septiembre. Atención: este curso es para residentes en La Palma y está financiado por el Cabildo Insular de La Palma dentro del programa AstroFest La Palma 2024.
Summary of our past Events and workshops:
- Perseid Meteor Shower 2024! 11-12 August 2024.
- Northern lights May 2024!
- Perseid shower 2023
- Conferencia Médica Simposio del Dolor ( del 1-2 Abril 2022.
- Observation of Eta Aquarid meteor shower (april 2021)
- Exceptional Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn – December 2020.
- Gemids meteor shower – December 2020
- Webinars of tourism and stars (AstroFest La Palma). Outreach and astronomy (Nov and Dic 2020), our CEO Ana García was the coordinator of this programme.
- Blue Moon (October). Special Event to observe the Moon.
- Apagón “Apaga la Luz y Enciende las Estrellas”. Partial blackout on the island to ease stargazing in towns and also concerts.
- Participation at the Organization of the AstroFest La Palma 2020. All events of this festival can be found on the oficial website.
- Observation of Perseid meteor shower (August 2020).
- Observation of Comet Neowise (July 2020).
Nightscape photography. Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturno from las Salinas de Fuencaliente, La Palma |
* For our regular astro activities please access here: