La Palma is a Starlight Reserve. This certification awarded in 2012 by the UNESCO's Starlight Initiative, has made La Palma the first place in the world with this honour. The fact that La Palma is a Starlight Reserve confirms that the island is committed to defending the quality of the night sky and providing access to the light of the stars for everyone. For this reason, La Palma promotes values associated with the quality and enjoyment of the sky, such as cultural (archaeoastronomical sites), scientific (astronomical research), astronomical (observatories and amateur observation), landscape or natural (astronomical viewpoints, etc), tourist activities such as our stargazing activities and other businesses ranging from restaurants, themed accommodation and the organisation of astronomical events. Currently, La Palma has exclusion zones where the natural lighting conditions and clarity of the night sky remain intact, and it also has a participative action plan and a set of recommendations aimed at preserving or recovering the quality of the night sky as far as possible. You can enjoy the sky of La Palma in one of our astronomical viewpoints or sites of astronomical interest: viewpoints or book one of our astronomy tours to enjoy the stars with a guide and telescopes. More information about the Starlight Reserve at: Starlight Iniciative y Proyecto Starisland La Palma.
La Palma is a Starlight Reserve. This certification awarded in 2012 by the UNESCO’s Starlight Initiative, has made La Palma the first place in the world with this honour. The fact that La Palma is
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